Sunday, October 21, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day

24 Hour Comics Day was this weekend. It was a blast, but I am soooo tired. I was sitting by Rob all day, so I was able to borrow some of his art supplies and he drew me some awesome gun and werewolf references.

I finished my comic in good time, but I think my content was a bit of a disaster. I ran out of story ideas and ended up drawing dancing art supplies and a giant, crying Sharpie. Then I drew a monkey punching a cobra. my creative pools had gone dry by that point.

Regardless of my sleepiness, I had a great time and really wanna do it again, next year.:)

On another note, I have been making Big Wolf on Campus videos with iMovies.^_^

I also had to order the City Drive cd on HMV's website since even WEM didn't have it. I've got 5-15 more days of waiting to go!

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