Saturday, December 08, 2007

Adam's Project is Finished!

So yesterday was the day of Adam's project presentation. I think it went pretty well except for Sean's part (that was pretty brutal). We headed over to Boston pizza afterwards then went to The Globe @ 7 for the CST grad party. I made Adam stay in his penguin suit the whole time cause he looked nice in it. ^_^

We ended up being 15 minutes late to The Globe due to sucky Edmonton bussing, but oddly enough, no one else was there except for Kyle. He was the only other person there that I had met before, cause Sam and Sean didn't come at all. People starting showing up later and there was a lot of constantly moving around to different tables.

I had some potato skins there. They were GREAT! I need to have potato skins more often.

We ended up leaving early cause I guess it wasn't so great of a party as Adam hoped it would be. He also said he had "things to do"??!? O_o

We watched some IT Crowd and cuddled a lot. It was a good night. ^_^

Hopefully, he might already have a job... so horray!

Also, we got Matthew and Serena to play some more Guitar Hero. They're starting to get the hang of it now! Soon they'll be better than me. :(

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I had to get a needle yesterday. It huuuuurt!

I guess mumps has been going around, so everyone was encouraged to get immunized. There were notes in our boxes and posters everywhere. I really didn't want to go, as I had nightmares about it the night before. I'm terrified of needles, and of course, being all tense only makes it hurt more. I ended up being dragged down with Ceima and Amanda, so at least I wasn't alone. The worst part was being told to wiggle my fingers as the needle was jabbed into me. My arm was sore for s few hours after that, but I'm fine now.

At least I won't have to worry about getting measles, mumps or rubella anytime soon.