Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I've been quite busy doing my Halloween decorations and preparing for my English presentation on monster slaying. The presentation went really well, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.^_^

I carved my Jack-o-Lantern last night while watching some Big Wolf. (Veoh will let me watch them on the site now! Yay!)

I'll take more pictures of stuff later.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

24 HCD pictures!

Here's some pics and a couple pages of my 24 hour comic that got posted on the Facebook group.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day

24 Hour Comics Day was this weekend. It was a blast, but I am soooo tired. I was sitting by Rob all day, so I was able to borrow some of his art supplies and he drew me some awesome gun and werewolf references.

I finished my comic in good time, but I think my content was a bit of a disaster. I ran out of story ideas and ended up drawing dancing art supplies and a giant, crying Sharpie. Then I drew a monkey punching a cobra. my creative pools had gone dry by that point.

Regardless of my sleepiness, I had a great time and really wanna do it again, next year.:)

On another note, I have been making Big Wolf on Campus videos with iMovies.^_^

I also had to order the City Drive cd on HMV's website since even WEM didn't have it. I've got 5-15 more days of waiting to go!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The City Drive

Remember that old show Big Wolf on Campus? The one with the jock who turns into a werewolf and has to team up with the gothy Merton J. Dingle? I looooved Merton. I'm a dork, I know, but I loved that character and he was so cute.

Fast forward to the present day. I check Wikipedia on the show to find out more about it. (Gotta love Wiki). The actor who played Merton is a guy named Danny Smith, who is not only an actor, but a singer/musician. He's in a band called The City Drive. They've got a few songs on the band site that automatically play and I was quite happily surprised with the quality.


There's one song in particular, "Runner" that's sooo good. I really wanna sing it myself if I can get a good backtrack to it. I was gonna pick up the bands' album at HMV yesterday, but they DIDN'T HAVE IT! X_X I guess I'll have to check out the big HMV in WEM, or get them to order it for me.:/

They also made a couple podcasts which I found through their MySpace page. So funny and awesome. I nearly choked on my popcorn. (Yes, I was actually eating popcorn at the time.)

Anyhoo, this is my new favourite band right now. You better check them out. Or else. Or else I'll beat you over the head with a guitar. I do own a guitar, y'know, even though I don't know how to play it.

Ok, maybe I won't beat you over the head with a guitar, but I WILL constantly show you pictures of Danny and shout "ISN'T HE PRETTY?!" like a teenage schoolgirl.


Golden Rice Bowl

So on Sunday, we were going to go to Dynasty for my birthday, but since they were closed for an hour and completely booked for the evening, we headed to Golden Rice Bowl instead. They were planning for a wedding reception at 6:00 but let us in anyway. The woman at the restaurant even ordered for us. It was soooo good. I only wish there were more veggies and scallops so that I could've had some.

At the end of the meal, the waiters came over with a candle in a mango pudding and sang me happy birthday.:)

Oh, I also got about $290 in birthday moneys, a couple arm warmers, a sweater, a vegetable ivory necklace from Ecuador and a few comic related products. Pretty good score for my 20th.B)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Drama Club

After filling out a survey about potential clubs, I got an email about the Drama Club having their first meeting on Wednesday at 5:00. Since I didn't know if any other clubs in my interest range would start up, I decided to check out the meeting.

A whole 4 people(including me) showed up. One other girl and two guys.

Surprisingly small, but I actually hope it doesn't get much bigger, since I'm more comfortable in smaller groups. It would also enable us to do some group writing for some awesome comedy sketches.:)

Guess I'll also be making posters for the club, since I'm the only one with Photoshop skills. Horray!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, as of today, I am no longer a teenager.

So far, I've gotten 90 bucks in cash, a glass necklace and a supergirl necklace, and hope to get heat in the house later today.

Not sure how I'm going to celebrate, as I'm all alone this year.