Monday, September 03, 2007

Hectic, Busy Busy

I did nearly all of my moving this weekend. I've got everything except my tv and dvd player, my other dresser, some clothes and my long box of comics.

My room is set up and tidy, the kitchen in looking cleaner and smelling nicer than it did before and the bathroom still needs to be cleaned more. The bathtub is spotless, but I doubt I'll be using it soon. Did I mention there's no heat or hot water here?

Yeah... because of the previous tenants not paying the rent, the heat was all shut off, and could be this way until the new tenant comes in at the end of the month. The electricity might go at any time too.:/ Fingers crossed. I'm praying for an Indian summer.

Despite the lack of heat, I had quite a cozy night here. At least, I was when I was actually sleeping and not kept awake out of the fear of someone breaking in and trying to kill me. I kept the hallway light on, just in case.

I might not get any sleep tonight though, cause I'll be too nervous about tomorrow. I just hope I can learn my bus route easily.

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