Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm finally at my own computer again! Horray!

The ski trip was great, though I didn't do too much skiing. We watched Ginger Snaps 2 and 3(3 was filmed in Fort Edmonton Park like I guessed it was) and The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra(very funny movie!).

Then on Friday we(me, and Dean and Steph again) went to see Ong Bak. It's a very good Taiwanese kung-fu fighting action movie. I didn't even mind the subtitles! Awesome stuff in it. I highly recommend it.

And speaking of Friday, that ended up being my Valentine's Day. I had made Dean a card on the computer(with my incredible skills in GIMP and paint) bought him a sweater(at the second hand store, but he liked it anyways)and gave him an arts n' crafts pipecleaner bee that I found at the Dollar Store. He loves that bee sooo much.

It's kinda become our thing now...bees. He wanted me to wear a bee dress for grad and started pestering me to dress like a bee. It's now become a cute thing for us. I'm his little bee now!:D

Oh, and in other news, I'll be getting a cell phone from my dad(his old one) in a few days and am gonna see if he'll get me a laptop too(which he probably will). Yay technology upgrades for me!:D

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